Monday, March 24, 2008

I have the worst luck with cellphones

You can imagine what happened.....



Anette said...

Did it try to dive in?

pinknest said...

you have to "bake" it in the oven on a really low temperature to dry it out. i did it! it worked.

buffalodick said...

Lesson no. 2- don't talk on cell phone while going to the bathroom...

Anette said...

I washed my daughters mobile phone in the washing machine... 40 degrees.. one hour, soap and fabric softener and all... it was in one of her pockets... I had toseperate all loose parts and dry it for several days, the it was almost back to normal... maybe a little less power in the battery..

Anonymous said...

Zen philosophy #249
"Better the cereal bowl than the toilet bowl!"