Friday, November 30, 2007

bah! I'm useless today I'm writing another blog. I don't do it too often, but every couple of months I'll have a Thursday night that celebrates as though its Friday. That was last night. So I'm mumbling along uselessly today. mumble grumble stumble...

So--here we go.

This is me, on my lunch break, at the park. It is a beautifully warm and sunny day out--I took off my jacket, rolled up my sleeves and just lay down on the hill. I like sitting on the hill best because not only do you get a good view of the city, there is never any dog poop. Seriously--I used to sit in the field until one day I stepped on dog poop in my socks. Ew. I took off my socks and threw them in the trash. Went sockless the rest of the day. The horrors!

And here is a picture of the city view:

To think I moved to Georgia without ever visiting, without thinking I would ever love it, and thinking it was just a temporary move until I could find a job on the beach. I still like the beach, but Atlanta has my heart.


Jean Bouchard said...

Georgias on my mind

tommie said...

sounds like a great place to spend time at lunch!

snowelf said...

I would have thrown my socks away too! Thank goodness you were not wearing pantyhose! :D
