Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Fixing Victrolas, watching squirrels, Detroit and a video

Here is a mishmash of pictures from my phone that are a bit blurry, a bit dark, but convey what has been going on as of late.

My grandparent's Victrola (circa 1920's) has been broken since the fire and Gustavo decided that he may as well tinker with it and see if he could fix it. He DID fix it! Isn't that amazing?

I love that kid.

We went to Detroit to visit my family. More pictures will be coming, but just had to include this one from a park south of 8 mile. It is important for all of us to give back to our communities and keep them safe and strong.

At work, I had to take some pictures and laugh at this little squirrel, eating his crazy cupcake.

Gustavo has been in Brazil again--here is a video he made for a short song our friend sang:

Hope everyone is enjoying the last days of spring and the start of summer. All the city pools open this weekend--I'm so excited!! Happy Memorial Day and please keep those who are currently deployed in your hearts.

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