Sunday, February 10, 2013

Ahh February--Rain, Beach and Curry Tofu with Peppers

Although I've made curries before, I don't think I've ever written out one for tofu. This is one of my dishes that is in regular rotation. I just use the basic recipe on the back of the Blue Mountain Curry bottle.

For the tofu itself, I blot and cut cubes, baking them at 425 for approximately 30-35 minutes. I season them with just soy sauce, to give the tofu a little bit of a salty flavor. Of course, you could do a much more advanced marinade--this is just simple and quick. I use one of the million little packs of soy sauce that always seem to be in the fridge from Chinese take out.

Otherwise...its been raining.

Often. That doesn't stop me from getting frozen yogurt, though...

I went to the beach, as well. Just to get a break from all this rain and cold. So nice to live in the South, where one can get to a beach in 5 hours.  Have a great week, everyone!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Veggie burgers...a post from a former hater

So, admittedly, I am a vegetarian who has always hated veggie burgers. Sure, I'll choke one down on the rare occasion when nothing else is available or when I hear "rave reviews" from others...but 99% of the time, they just are yucky. Soggy, soft and mushy are common issues, regardless of their base (bean, tvp, quinoa, etc..) So, when I came across a fellow blogger's recipe...and read that she, too, could not stand mushy, nasty veggie burgers, I had to give it a try. Wow. Thank you so much to Angela of Oh She Glows
Angela's recipe is vegan, but I went ahead and just used regular eggs because I have some organic cage free ones on hand. I do want to give a quick shout out to Little's Market in Cabbagetown, for being a great place to pick up everything from organic eggs to Spanish wine, to macaroni and cheese. A very useful bodega in a neighborhood with no grocery stores for miles. I've made these a couple times, and really enjoy using sunflower seeds. I tried with pepitas and sesame seeds, and those were great, too. If you are using almonds, I'd make sure to rough chop them. I ground them a little too fine, and missed the texture that a rough chop provided.

Additionally, I decided to make some honey wheat rolls for my burgers. This is a recipe I have used before--the only difference is that I allowed them to rise an additional 45 minutes or so, after shaping the buns. (wow!! that post I linked to is ANCIENT)

...and here we have the end product! A very decent veggie burger on honey wheat. Whew. No better way to spend a saturday afternoon :)
Finally, because the papers have come in the mail, I will let you guys know that the original TavoLini is no more. Its just me now. I am going to keep the name, though. Gustavo and I had a great seven years, and I don't regret a minute of it. We have just slowly grown apart. Cheers to a happy future for each of us.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Starting new...

Well, lots of things have changed, but some stay the same. I am not sure if I'm going to restart this blog or just let it fade. Maybe I'll change the name.