Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Oh no...Philadelphia Public Libraries to close

Philadelphia Inquirer (Hyper link--click to get to article)

Is this a sign of where we are heading? As a librarian and a citizen, this is very saddening.


buffalodick said...

When people wake up to the fact that this country's great infrastructure was build on being profitable, low unemployment, and common folk allowed to make a middle class income was our golden age- they will start to understand money doesn't come from the mint. It comes from taxes. Saddens me to hear this, but Michigan just lost the 160 year old annual State Fair....

Jenn said...

Oh no! Thats sad to hear. I hate it when things like this happen. Sadly, it's been happening a lot lately. ;-(

Cynthia said...

What the heck?! Closing of a library?!

Marjie said...

Pennsylvania doesn't have a state budget yet. The largest freakin' legislature in the whole damn country can't get its s**t together and figure out a balanced budget! Hello, buttheads! Extraction tax on the natural gas they're racing here to drill out....solves all the stinkin' problems! And our governor isn't helping much. They want to cut library funding by 33%. Pathetic. (No, I'm not irked over politicians farting around with my tax money. Why would you think that?)

tavolini said...

Buffalo--They lost the state fair?! This is madness.

Jenn--its really scary.

Cynthia--52 libraries, actually.

Marjie--its just awful!